REPORTS have surfaced that former WWE stars Brock Lesnar and Dave Batista are being contacted by the WWE to return to the company which made them the stars they are now.

Wrestling Inc has a scoop regarding Lesnar's reported return to the company:
The story going around in Miami is that Brock Lesnar has signed a one-year deal with WWE and will work a "more than Undertaker and less than Goldberg" type of schedule. This report is unconfirmed. Lesnar is in Miami with security and is surrounded by a large group of people shielding him from everyone. has the scoop in regards to Batista returning to WWE. It states that Batista was picked up by WWE officials in Miami in order to discuss a contract.

Both of these guys became famous superstars in the Ruthless Agression Era of the WWE. Lesnar left in 2004 to pursue a career in NFL. He failed in that endeavor and went to Japan to wrestle at NJPW. He then prepare for an MMA career and eventually won the UFC Heavyweight Championship in 2008. He lost the title in 2010 and had his last MMA fight last December 30, 2011 in a loss against Alistair Overeem before retiring from the sport. Batista left in 2010 after losing three straight pay-per-views to John Cena. He cited that the he didn't like the company's direction and decided to leave. It would be good for business and it would make WrestleMania 28 bigger than it already is if the two should appear in any capacity in the event.

Jed Mendoza is a writer for the Pro Wrestling Gazette. Engage with him by following him on Twitter @jedified.