WE go to the ring and out first comes the Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes. We see the video looking back at Big Show’s WrestleMania moments. Out next comes Big Show to a nice reaction from the crowd.

The bell rings and Cody goes out to the floor. Show comes out and chases him back in the ring. Cody attacks and leaps out to the floor but Show catches him. Show throws Cody back in the ring over the top rope and follows. Cody attacks but Show shoves him to the mat. Show overpowers Cody and tosses him across the ring. Show with big chops in the corner now.

Show puts Cody down in the corner and shoves his rear in his face. Show stalls and goes to splash Cody in the corner but Cody moves. Cody dropkicks Show and then takes his knee out. Show makes a comeback but Cody kicks the leg out again. Cody kicks and punches away on Show now for a 1 count. Cody goes right back to work on Show’s leg. Cody stomps away and applies a submission on the knee.

Show catches Cody’s leg and knocks him down. Show charges in the corner and runs into two boots from Cody. Cody goes to the top but Show grabs him for a chokeslam. Cody jumps out to the floor and slams Show’s arm on the top rope. Cody hits Beautiful Disaster and dazes Show. He goes for another but gets speared in mid-air. Show gets pumped now and calls for the knockout punch. Show connects with the punch for the win.

Big Show is the new Intercontinental Champion!

source: Sports Entertainment Scoops

Jed Mendoza is a writer for the Pro Wrestling Gazette. Engage with him by following him on Twitter @jedified.