WE go to the cage and out first comes the challenger Velvet Sky. The TNA Knockouts Champion Gail Kim is out next with Madison Rayne right behind her. Gail attacks before the bell rings and starts beating Velvet around the cage.

Velvet rolls Gail up out of nowhere for 2 and takes control of the match. Gail turns it back around with a kick to the head. Velvet tries to come back. Gail goes to climb out of the cage but Velvet interrupts her. Gail comes off the top with a missile dropkick and a 2 count on Velvet. Gail with a backbreaker submission now. Gail wraps Velvet’s leg around her head now. Gail continues to control the match as the crowd roots for Velvet.

Velvet manages a jawbreaker but Gail takes her to the corner and keeps control. Gail taunts Velvet and shows off for the crowd now. Velvet moves as Gail charges in the corner and she hits the ring post. Velvet finally makes a comeback and hits a bunch of moves but Gail kicks her off and climbs the cage. Velvet stops her and they fight up top. Velvet ends up powerbombing Gail from the top. Velvet covers but Gail grabs the rope and breaks the pin.
Velvet goes over and argues with Madison as the cage door is opened. Gail tries to leave but Velvet stops her. They tangle and Gail turns it into a pin for the win.

Full results here.

Jed Mendoza is a writer for the Pro Wrestling Gazette. Engage with him by following him on Twitter @jedified.