ROBBIE E is out first with Rob Terry. The TNA TV Champion Brother Devon is out next.

Terry won’t leave the cage so Devon takes it into his own hands. This allows Robbie to take advantage and attack. Robbie works Devon over to start the match and taunts him. Devon fights back with right hands and chops in the corner. Devon charges but gets caught with a big boot and a clothesline. Robbie off the ropes with an elbow drop for a 2 count.

Robbie with more offense and another pin attempt. Robbie climbs to the top rope but Devon hits the rope and Robbie falls to the mat. Devon makes a comeback and hits a big shoulder followed by a clothesline. Devon kicks Robbie in the gut and hits a neckbreaker. Devon with a big splash in the corner and a spinebuster for the win.

Full results here.

Jed Mendoza is a writer for the Pro Wrestling Gazette. Engage with him by following him on Twitter  @jedified.