WE go to the ring and out first comes Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin. Out next are the TNA Tag Team Champions Magnus and Samoa Joe in the cage.

Shelley starts things out with Magnus and they do some back and forth. Shelley starts working on the leg. Sabin tags in and they double team Magnus with kicks. 1 count for Sabin. Joe gets the tag and goes at it with Sabin. Shelley gets the tag and comes in off the top. Joe drops Shelley and in comes Magnus again. The Guns double team Magnus. Magnus throws Shelley into Sabin and Joe gets the tag again.

More tags and back and forth action. Sabin ends up powerbombing Joe from the corner. Shelley and Magnus fight up on the top rope. Shelley sends Magnus to the mat and hits a double stomp from the top for 2. MCMG ram Joe’s head into the corner and double team Magnus with kicks. Another 2 count. More back and forth action. Shelley hits Sliced Bread on Magnus but Joe breaks the pin. The champs miss their double team move and Magnus gets rolled up for a close 2 count. Magnus blocks Sliced Bread and slams Shelley. Joe tosses Sabin onto Shelley. Joe and Magnus hit the snap-mare elbow this time for the win.

Full results here.

Jed Mendoza is a writer for the Pro Wrestling Gazette. Engage with him by following him on Twitter @jedified.