LAST night on Monday Night Raw, a non-title match was held between the team of Epico and Primo and the team of Intercontinental Champion The Big Show and The Great Khali. A couple of clotheslines, chops and swishes and the giants are in the ring, with Big Show performing a Chokeslam on Epico and Khali doing the Punjabi Plunge on Primo. They went for the double pin and now has a win over the tag team champions. With this quick victory over the champs, are they next in line to win the titles?

As reported a week ago, a title change may be in the horizon after Epico's rants on Twitter. While people expected that the champs might be dropping the titles to Truth & Kingston (who have not tagged along as of late) or to the Usos (who have just won a match against Slater & Kidd on last week's Smackdown). But here they are, quickly jobbing to the World's Largest Athlete and the Punjabi Nightmare. Nothing against Show and Khali, but they are not the right team to drop the belts to if ever the creative feels like it. First of all, they are slow in the ring, especially Khali. The staple of tag team wrestling is quick, dynamic action. They won't help in the division at all if they're the champions. They would just give every tag team match a couple of minutes with the same chops and clotheslines and that's it.

If ever the creative team would pull the trigger and have the tag team champions drop the titles to Show and Khali, I hope that they will just be transitional champions and they would drop it to a more versatile tag team that could use the rub of beating two former World champions. Show and Khali won against Primo and Epico, and a non-title win in the WWE immediately gives you the right to demand for a title match and become number one contender. With this logic, Show and Khali are next in line for a shot at the tag team titles. Let's just hope if ever they win the titles their reign would end as soon as it started. Let's admit it: if ever they win, it'll be a forgettable one.

Jed Mendoza is a writer for the Pro Wrestling Gazette. Engage with him by following him on Twitter @jedified.