DANIEL Bryan lost his World Heavyweight Championship rematch against Sheamus at last Sunday's Extreme Rules. But he won't be going away from the title picture just yet as he has become the number one contender to the WWE Championship.

Daniel Bryan participated in Monday Night Raw's Beat the Clock Challenge despite being a Smackdown Superstar. He faced Jerry Lawler as one of them had to win the match in less than four minutes and sixteen seconds, the time set by Randy Orton. Bryan won the match by making Lawler submit to the Yes Lock with one minute and fifty-five seconds to spare. By beating Orton's time, Bryan will face Punk for the title in the main event at WWE Over the Limit.

Bryan's win was half-shocking because nobody really knew what was in store for Bryan. Sheamus is going to move on and feud with Alberto del Rio, so logic would indicate that he would be somewhat entangled in a storyline with AJ. But here he is, after competing for a world title he competes for another one at the next pay-per-view. It's only half-shocking because ever since WrestleMania 28 the WWE can no longer deny that Bryan has become a big star and he has amassed quite a following. His current popularity along with his technical prowess has now helped him stay on the title scene for a little longer. Bryan should make the most of it so that the WWE and the fans would come to realize that he is one of the stars that may carry the company into the future.

Jed Mendoza is a writer for the Pro Wrestling Gazette. Engage with him by following him on Twitter @jedified.