SUNDAY's Extreme Rules main event of John Cena and Brock Lesnar was a match that left the fans wanting for more. Even though Cena going over Lesnar is still an ongoing debate among the fans, Cena's gonna follow-up what would be his best match since Money in the Bank 2011 with CM Punk at WWE Over the Limit with none other than...John Laurinaitis???

At the next pay-per-view Cena's going to face the GM of both Raw and Smackdown and the EVP of Talent Relations. It's not yet sure whether Laurinaitis revealed himself as Cena's opponent because of Cena's insults and Cena's original opponent was supposed to be Lord Tensai but as what's known for sure, Laurinaitis is going back to the ring and it's against the face of the WWE.Building this feud isn't difficult really. It could be traced back all the way to Money in the Bank when Cena smacked Laurinaitis in the face. It would then fast forward to April when Laurinaitis tried to replace Cena as the face of the WWE by bringing in Brock Lesnar to destroy him and ursurp that role. Lesnar wasn't able to get the job done, so Laurinaitis figured out to do the job himself. After taking on Lesnar and putting quite a show, could Cena produce a good feud and a good match with Laurinaitis?

Laurinaitis is a good character as of late. Though he annoys people with his voice that seemed to be produced by 50 cigarette intakes a day, he gets the job done by being that heel that the people just want to hate. He gets a lot of heat and he delivers well in his current role. He was a former wrestler, having two 5-star matches and having the Match of the Year in 1996. He was good in the ring and known to be an innovator, with the famous one being the Ace Crusher, which guys like Diamond Dallas Page and Randy Orton have used to be their finishers. But that was before. Laurinaitis never had a match since 2000. He's not in shape and it's very obvious that this would look like a handicap match because Lord Tensai and Sakamoto would certainly be involved. This might be a rehash of the great Austin-McMahon feud, but fans would tune in to see where this will lead both men. Though fans still wanted to see Laurinaitis' in-ring return to be with CM Punk, maybe it would do good if he make the most out of this feud with John Cena.

Jed Mendoza is a writer for the Pro Wrestling Gazette. Engage with him by following him on Twitter @jedified.