LAST Thursday at IMPACT WRESTLING, Hogan accepted Sting and Dixie Carter's offer to become the GM. With Hogan in control, what's gonna happen under his watch?

Honestly, it seems illogical for Hogan to be the next GM after Sting. Before Sting became GM, Hogan was in charge of the company as the leader of Immortal. Even if they make a case that the Hogan in control now is the red and yellow Hogan, the guy could be tempted by the power that a GM holds and could basically turn heel in the incoming weeks. If ever Hogan doesn't turn heel, expect him to be a primary player in either Storm and Roode's feud or Garett and Eric Bischoff's feud. For now, what everybody knows is that Hogan would be in the spotlight again and he would be the center of attention.

Just like before when Hogan was heel, he could either start or end the show with 15-minute promos that consist of nothing but less substance and more useless babbles. TNA has been doing a good job with their homegrown talent and potential stars. With Hogan back in a permanent basis on-screen, one has to wonder if TNA will destroy again something that is already going good in their company.

Jed Mendoza is a writer for the Pro Wrestling Gazette. Engage with him by following him on Twitter @jedified.