AT WrestleMania 28, the team of John Laurinaitis beat the team of Teddy Long to gain control of both Raw and Smackdown. What are to be expected in Mr. Excitement's leadership on both brands?

John Laurinaitis is currently one of the biggest heels in the WWE. To have him gain control of both brands, there will be a clear bias over the heel wrestlers. Just like when Laurinaitis hired Christian for his team in favor of a shot at the World Heavyweight Chamoionship, he can do whatever he wants that will benefit the bad guys. That'll make the fans hate him more and more that he will become the PG Era's equivalent of Mr. McMahon.

Remember this? This could potentially happen in the incoming months. This was the very reason WWE made the GM vs GM match. Laurinaitis was to become today's Mr. McMahon to face an anti-corporate rebel in the form of today's Austin, CM Punk. They had a short feud that came to an abrupt end shortly after the Royal Rumble. Now that Punk's business with Jericho would nearly come to its end as Jericho's gearing up for his Band Tour this summer, the feud between the two could be reignited and take the route that Austin-McMahon took in the Attitude Era. 

Another thing that could happen is the same as the one you see on the right. Laurinaitis will form a group like McMahon's Corporation stable. With Otunga as legal adviser and Albert reportedly returning after Wrestlemania 28 as Laurinaitis' bodyguard Lord Tensai, all that Laurinaitis need to pull off the stable thing is a group of strong midcard wrestlers and a potential corporate champion in the form of John Cena. Cena lost his match against the Rock, and it could mean that at tomorrow's Raw there's a chance that he might turn heel. Add the fact that the champion CM Punk had a great feud with Cena over the summer last year, they could recreate it this year with Punk as the babyface and Cena as the dastardly company man heel.

There are many things to expect in Laurinaitis's reign as both Raw and Smackdown GM. But don't expect for his raspy voice, talking errors, dry wit and blandness to change anytime soon. He is still the self-proclaimed "Mr. Excitement" after all.

Jed Mendoza is a writer for the Pro Wrestling Gazette. Engage with him by following him on Twitter @jedified.