THE Rock proved that he was the better man in the main event at WrestleMania 28 when he was able to defeat John Cena CLEAN. With Cena's recent defeat, there are three possible things that could happen tomorrow night on Raw.

Remain a Babyface and Challenge the Rock for a rematch at WrestleMania 29 - It has already been reported that the Rock would participate in Wrestlemania 29 in an unknown capacity. If Cena lost this year in order to win it next year, then the logical step would be for Cena to stick with his beliefs and accept the defeat. He will then call out Rock and challenge him for a rematch. The Rock, who feels that Cena cannot beat him, accepts the rematch at Wrestlemania 29. John Cena would still stick to his character and he would still be mostly booed. He will stick with CeNation and would again try to pull off another year-long build-up wherein he would try again to look like the good guy who works his ass off everyday for the company while the Rock just visits for the paycheck and he left wrestling for Hollywood glamour. This is the most possible scenario but the most unappealing one. We've seen them build it up for a year and we've seen them clash. There's no need for the exact same thing to happen again.

Cena turns Heel and attacks the Rock during His Celebratory Promo, Setting Up Rock vs Cena II at WrestleMania 29 - This would be something the crowd would go nuts for. The very reason Cena is hated by the older fans is because he has become very stale. With the same routine in his matches and a goofy gimmick, no wonder he has become one of the most hated figures in wrestling today. But it could change tomorrow night. The Rock would come out and do a promo on how he beat John Cena and how he is the greatest of all time, He would thank the millions of fans who cheered for him throughout the match and says his farewell before leaving for Hollywood. Just as he was near the end of his promo, Cena would rush to the ring with a steel chair in hand. He would pummel the Great One until security and other wrestlers would come out to stop Cena from further injuring the Rock. Cena would then do a promo on turning back his back to the people who he has done good but opt to boo him every night and instead cheer for a man who hasn't done anything for the company for the last 8 years. He would let out all his frustrations and become heel. The next Raw after that, Rock would appear via satellite and challenge Cena for a rematch, this tima at WrestleMania 29. Even though it would be another year-long build-up, it would be different from the first because Cena's already a full-pledged heel and he can go on a rampage on the babyfaces while waiting for WrestleMania 29. This could happen but the chances are not that high.

Cena Retires. From all the possibilities, this seems to be the unlikeliest to happen. But it's the WWE, and anything could happen. Cena comes out to a crowd which still has some cheers and boos, but now mostly cheers. Cena opens up how his whole life was taken away from him after his loss to the Rock. He then states that if he has to start again from scratch, he'd rather retire. He would go on and point out his multiple injuries and the feeling of losing to someone who hasn't wrestled a singles match for 8 years. He then says that everything is over for him and all that's left is to retire from the business he loves the most. Wrestlers will then come out from the back (like Flair's retirement) and assemble inside and outside the ring. Wrestlers like Hunter, Undertaker, Kane and Orton would embrace and bid Cena farewell as the crowd chants "Thank You Cena!". He would then be applaused by everyone. Mr. McMahon then comes to the ring and talks to Cena for a moment before hugging him. The last to appear would be The Rock, who would go inside the ring and have a staredown with Cena, before raising Cena's hand and eventually return to the back.

Jed Mendoza is a writer for the Pro Wrestling Gazette. Engage with him by following him on Twitter @jedified.