IN what would become the quickest World Heavyweight Championship match at Wrestlemania ever, Sheamus won the World Heavyweight title from Daniel Bryan in just 18 seconds. Yes, you read it right folks, 18 seconds. What could happen to Daniel Bryan following his disappointing match at Wrestlemania?

One scenario would be that Daniel Bryan will get really pissed that he would demand his world title rematch from Sheamus at Smackdown. He would then be granted a rematch but then be defeated yet again by the Great White. From here, Daniel Bryan would slowly vanish from the title picture while superstars like Mark Henry (who was part of Team Johnny that won at WrestleMania) or Christian (who was promised a World Title match by John Laurinaitis before being taken out by CM Punk) to reenter into the scene. It would be quite a demotion for Daniel Bryan and it would be a waste for a great heel character such as him to not battle for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Another scenario that is likely to happen is for the feud of Sheamus and Daniel Bryan to continue until Extreme Rules. Daniel Bryan will accuse AJ for costing him the match and his title and continues his bad treatment for his girlfriend. He then demands a rematch for the title and that rematch would take place at Extreme Rules. The build for this would be better than their initial build for WrestleMania because AJ is now part of the picture and Sheamus can shove it to Bryan's face that he was so weak that Sheamus was able to defeat him in just 18 seconds in the Grandest Stage of them all. Their next match (which should be allotted more time) would be a great match with Sheamus more likley to retain. Daniel Bryan would then let out all his frustrations on AJ and some WWE superstar would come to AJ's rescue and start a feud with Bryan while Sheamus looks for other competition.

One more thing that could happen is that Daniel Bryan would regain the championship from Sheamus at either any pay-per-view before Summerslam. After granting and defeating Sheamus with Sheamus' rematch for the title, Bryan would then feud with CM Punk. With John Laurinaitis being GM of both Raw and Smackdown, he might decide to abolish the Brand Extension once and for all and make it as one brand. With one brand, Laurinaitis might call for a title unification match at Summerslam for the Undisputed Champion of the World. CM Punk and Daniel Bryan could then provide a wrestling clinic at Summerslam with either one of them winning. Besides, who doesn't want to see this two wrestle? They're both the best wrestlers today!

Whatever Bryan's future maybe after last night's WrestleMania, he has proven himself to be a great wrestler and a great heel. He deserves to wrestle for the championship and his reign as World Heavyweight Champion was something to remember.

Jed Mendoza is a writer for the Pro Wrestling Gazette. Engage with him by following him on Twitter @jedified.